When Everything Changes. What to do Next?
Lately, I have found myself asking “what do I do next”? A series of events outside of my control have unbalanced the stasis of my life. Many of these incidents can be considered negative, but I look at it as an opportunity for self-reflection and change.
6 Months of Major Changes
Wirecard Insolvency
The company I have worked for for 12 years has declared insolvency. This Wirecard Scandal has left myself and thousands of employees worldwide in a couple of months of not knowing what will happen next.
Uninsured Flooded Basement
A homes I own and rent had “seepage”, for which I discovered I am not insured. I can realize a loss, fix it, or tear down and rebuild a 6-plex.
Covid. Need I say more? I am used to working from home, but COVID has paused or halted a restaurant plaza project I am working on. I had to shut down and reopen a hotel. In other projects, tenants have had every type of response you can imagine.
My Son is Driving
For the past few years, much of my time has been happily spent driving my kids. Now, my son is driving, COVID slowed other events, and I find myself with some bonus hours. What do these extra hours mean?
The New Normal (?)
So I find myself at the moment in a New Normal. Everything has changed, and quickly. I don’t know what is next. Wait a minute! Maybe this is not a New Normal. Maybe constant change has always been the “Norm”, and I was just shielded from it. If I just see constant unpredictable change as normal, then I can never be surprised, and I can always be ready.
When Everything Changes
- Breathe.
- Take Stock.
- Be Patient.
- Take the time to feel.
- Understand it’s Just a Game.
- Revisit Your “Why”
- Revisit Your “Goals”
- Plan the Next Steps
- Take Action
So here I am in the middle of huge changes. Chapters are closing, and I get to plan for the next chapters. If I do nothing, life takes control of me. If I am mindful and take action, then next steps are mine for the taking!
The things I do not control do not affect me, and the things that I do are my freedom. What interesting times we live in…