3 Mortgage Comparison

3 Mortgage Comparison

When you are faced with different mortgage offers, it is important to look at all of the variables.  This calculator allows you to compare 3 different mortgage conditions and see the effect they would have over the lifetime.  You can also run some sensitivity analysis...

Shrink Your Task List Permanently

Sometimes a task list grow out of control or fills up with boring tasks. Here are a few tricks to shrink a task list permanently, and improve its quality. 1. Automate Many items show up on a task list week after week, month after month.  The combination of computers,...
Tame Your Never-Ending-Task-List

Tame Your Never-Ending-Task-List

My current task (to-do) list is 200 deep and I can still function with a degree of serenity.  I used to avoid defining my never-ending task list.  It was overwhelming, depressing, and embarrassing.  I’ve learned some tactics that have increased my productivity,...
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