Recently, I was interviewed on a podcast that has thousands of listeners (interview is coming out in August).  The biggest thing I learned about myself is that I am a Private Extrovert.  The podcast’s audience is not huge, but it is in a community where a few people already know me.  Many of these will google “Marc Koran”, as I did right after my interview.  I noticed my online presence is not great.

Googling myself sent me down the rabbit hole of trying to control what the Internet says about me.  Soon, I had an page, registered, registered at Godaddy, hired a Virtual Assistant ( for this WordPress site, updated my pictures on social media and a whole bunch of other activities.  I totally geeked out.

Underlying all of this is my major discomfort.  I am a Private Extrovert; basically, I am outgoing with the people around me, but putting myself “out there” on the Internet is not comfortable.  So, creating a blog around my personal name is my way of pushing myself out of my comfort zone.

The discomfort lies in perhaps embarrassing myself, revealing too much and basically be seen as oversharing.  The flip side is that this uncomfortable path of exposure may actually lead to self-discovery.  I may be forced to be more mindful of how I present myself, which I have many times been sloppy with.  The trick is to remain authentic during the process.

Onwards and Upwards!

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