I recently took a trip to support my wife who is reaching another level in her career.  Sitting here in a Vancouver hotel, I find myself completely out of my normal routine.  Yes, I have my computer, and yes, I did design my life to be able to work from anywhere in the world.  So really, I should be working like a regular work day.  As an ambitious person, I should keep my routine and get more done.  However, can I not realize that this break in routine can actually move things forward in unexpected ways?

Instead of working like usual, I have a whole bunch of options to keep busy.  There is an amazing gym at the hotel to get my sweat going.  The comfy bed is appealing, and I could just loungeNetflix is everywhere I go, and I can binge watch.  The hotel lends electric bicycles and I can just go cruise on one of those.  There is no shortage of amazing food options available.  There are mountains I can climb within just a sort walk.

Of course, there are also things that require immediate attention.  Emails, phone calls, and messages come in.  I’ve taken on a few projects that are time-sensitive, and I must respond to those.  I booked 3 meetings in Vancouver with really cool people that I haven’t seen in a while; I need (really want) to attend those.  So, not all of my time here is mine.  I even have this blog that I write every single week that I am committed to and enjoy doing.

My Gut Instinct

So what do I really want to accomplish when my routine is disrupted?  This is what I brainstormed:

  • Meditate, Sit in complete silence
  • Go for a 2 hour bicycle or walk
  • Write in a journal
  • Take inventory of my routine
  • Attend a local conference. (Just walk in. It is fun!)
  • People-watch and imagine myself to be them.

Here are some of the questions I am open to:

  • Is my routine in line with my goals?
  • Are my goals in line with my purpose?
  • Am I waiting to be happy, or am I happy now?
  • How can I improve my productivity?
  • Am I serving those around me properly?
  • Am I in service to the proper people?

As I type these questions above, I flip flop between 2 thoughts.  First, do I think too much?  Second, do I not think enough?  Ouch.  This really means that sitting with one’s thoughts can be very uncomfortable.  Is that why we keep so busy?  So we do not have to be alone with the voice in our head?

The Voice

I recently read a book called The Untethered Soul (Michael Singer) that, among other topics, discusses the point of that Voice in your head that keeps talking all the time; it never shuts up.  I know I am going to butcher the book’s message, but my recollection is that “the Voice in your head is not you”.  You are the observer of that Voice.  Just like you are not your emotions.  You are the observer of your emotions.

In my busyness, my ambition and my routine, I am less conscious of that Voice.  I react to it, but I am not conscious of it.  It guides me, tells me what to do, tells me how to feel, and I forget that it is even there.

I now realize what I really want to do when my routine is disrupted.  I want to pay attention to that Voice.  I want to hear it, but not necessarily act on it.  I will listen to it without judgement, and then wonder why it says all these things.  I will go deeper within myself.

I believe that the act of paying attention to that Voice inherently changes what it says.  It make me less reactive and more thoughtful.  It makes me more of who I want to be.

And then the voice will change.  It will be less scared.  It won’t care (as much) what others think.  It will realize it is not alone.  Most importantly, it will start to say different things to me.  So when I forget that it is speaking and I following it unconsciously, it will guide me in a much better way.


Writing this makes me uncomfortable.  This whole blog project makes me uncomfortable.  Being interviewed on a Podcast made me uncomfortable.  I am a Private Extrovert.  My inner Voice is yelling to keep these thoughts private.  The first rule of the Voice is “Don’t Talk About the Voice”.  I’m going to grab this frantic insecure voice and thrust it into the light when I publish this.

The Inevitable List

I cannot help myself.  Here is a list of things I like to do when out of my routine:

  1. Pay Attention to that Inner Voice.
  2. Stay Flexible with what to do next without over-scheduling.
  3. Say “yes” to new experiences.
  4. Explore people, places, things.


Wow.  That was very woo-woo.  Those of you who know me well or have read my blog are used to a very practical no-nonsense kind of guy who “gets things done”.  I know that just a few years ago, I would not have been very receptive to this kind of talk.  Well, the interesting part for me is that when I focused some of my attention on my own inner voice great things happened.  To make as long story short, I became somebody I liked more, and my success grew in many unexpected and wonderful ways.  I highly recommended slowing down and consciously listening to that inner voice.


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