Discover How to Quiet that Nagging Voice in Your Head

I flip flop between 2 thoughts.  First, do I think too much?  Second, do I not think enough?  Ouch.  This really means that sitting with one’s thoughts can be very uncomfortable.  Is that why we keep so busy?  So we do not have to be alone with the voice in our head?

In my busyness, my ambition and my routine, I am less conscious of that Voice.  I react to it, but I am not conscious of it.  It guides me, tells me what to do, tells me how to feel, and I forget that it is even there.

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Your Boss Should Be Your Servant

We have all experienced the good boss and the not-so-good boss. The Brutish Boss’s mantra is “I’m the Boss!  You are here for me.” while the Servant Boss says “I’m the Servant!  I am here for you.”  The Servant Boss delivers better long term results and lives a better life.  Read on for a personal story about my experience with a Brutish Boss, and the characteristics I like to see in a Servant Boss.

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How to Get the Appreciation You Want (Thanks for Giving!)

It is easy to get distracted and feel unappreciated.  We forget.  We take others for granted.  We get upset when they do it to us.  We hold ourselves and others in judgement.  The world can feel cold and harsh when we do not see appreciation, practice it, or notice it.So, appreciation is a life long practice.  The more we do it, the more it becomes part of our lives, and the more we attract it from others.  Practicing appreciation is like going to the gym.  It is hard to do, but once it is part of your routine, you will live a healthier and more fulfilling life!

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Shrink Your Task List Permanently

Sometimes a task list grow out of control or fills up with boring tasks. Here are a few tricks to shrink a task list permanently, and improve its quality. 1. Automate Many items show up on a task list week after week, month after month.  The combination of computers,...

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Tame Your Never-Ending-Task-List

My current task (to-do) list is 200 deep and I can still function with a degree of serenity.  I used to avoid defining my never-ending task list.  It was overwhelming, depressing, and embarrassing.  I've learned some tactics that have increased my productivity,...

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